Friday, August 7, 2009

How will we fit farm chores in now that school is starting?

Creativity, my love. Creativity.

With school starting back, the children are a little worried about their various beloved farm animals missing out on so much attention that they've gotten all summer. We really didn't have anything but laying hens until school was out.

I've got it all worked out with each child doing about 15 minutes (max) of animal chores before school. Noah will feed and water goats. Jessica will take care of bunnies and cats. Annie and Lizzie will feed chickens, but Dad and I will do the water because it's HEAVY. Dad and I will take care of the puppies, the ducks, and the bantams in the garden. THERE! Everyone's fed.

After school, the children will attend to the animals again, but at this time they'll have time for petting and playing and talking to them at length. Noah has been letting the boys out to graze - unfenced - for a short time each day, and I want him to keep that up. Jessica has been taking out the baby bunnies and holding and petting them for a time each day, so they'll be ready to be a good pet for someone. Annie and Lizzy pick up the chickens and pet them, too, for the same reason. The ducks are great to "play" with, but they don't love to be held. They like to follow me around in the garden and taste EVERYTHING - dirt, plants, crickets, whatever.

There will be lots of adjustments as the kids start back to school, and we start our business back up in our new town, but we'll get through it.

1 comment:

Rene' said...

I have just read thru your blog, it's so wonderful. i cried when the babies die and laughed about the big green bug. Please keep writing.
Love, Rene' G.