Monday, June 15, 2009

I have my house back!!

After my morning trip to feed goats, the dog, the baby chicks, and the hens and then to the garden for Contender green beans and squash, I walked back to the house and into the air conditioned wonder of it.

There were no stinky baby chicks in the dining room in plastic tubs, they weren't even in the garage!

There were no kitties fouling the air with their litter box activities. How can creatures so small and cute STANK like that??!! I don't know.

We put the cats into their permanent home area (in the shed with the stacked hay bales so they are safe from dogs) over the weekend, and we gave the house a good cleaning. All the plants the cats had rummaged around in scattering dirt and spanish moss got cleaned up and all the debris vacuumed out of the carpet. All the little shreds of paper they'd make were cleaned, the cat toys, the litter box, and the stinky cat food bowl got moved out.

The house looks great and smells WONDERFUL!!! and feels a little bit lonelier . . . .

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