Thursday, June 18, 2009

Chicken count for today:

OK let's recap:
13 almost laying hens that are about 20 weeks old now and look full-grown 6 Americaunas, 7 Black Buff Orpingtons.

10 mixed (pullets [females] and cockerels [males] - looks like 3 guys and 7 girls) baby chicks about 5 weeks old, 6 are Japanese black bantams (2 guys, 4 gals), 2 are Americaunas, and 2 ????

103 four-week-old pullets, 52 are Rhode Island Reds, and 51 are Americaunas

12 golden buff orpington pullets - 10 days old

18 barred rock pullets - 5 days old
12 (more) golden buff orpington pullets - 5 days old
12 black australorp pullets - 5 days old

8 silver laced wyandotte pullets - 2-days old
8 New Hampshire pullets - 2 days old

and that total brings us to 196 chickens.


Anonymous said...

You need a 12 step program . . .

Anonymous said...

why??? what are you going to do with so many?