Hubby went to visit a new friend yesterday who raises quail. After a two-hour visit, he'd learned a great deal about hatching, brooding, housing, mating, and then slaughtering and cleaning quail. He even got a new recipe for pickled quail eggs that we are excited to try.
He brought home 11 new adults, one of which has already laid an egg (YAY!!), and 28 day old quail babies! We quickly retrieved the 10-gal aquarium we'd bought at the flea market and outfitted it with special non-slick paper and a shop light for heat and moved the babies from the shoe box they traveled in to the warm make-shift brooder.
They quickly began to get their "sea legs" and stand, making it to the small pile of ground up game bird feed and to the waterer. They are SO cute and we can't believe our quail babies were that small only two weeks ago!
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