I called the hatchery a few weeks ago to find out what breed of chickens would be available in August and September. There were 5 egg-laying breeds available in August and only one in September, and then NOTHING until February.
Well, we reacted with all expected swiftness to keep our chicken business thriving. We ordered 50 pullets (females) each of the 5 breeds available for the month:
* 50 Silver-laced Wyandottes
* 50 Gold-laced Wyandottes
* 50 Buff Orpingtons
* 50 Barred Plymouth Rocks
* 50 Rhode Island Reds
Makes total sense to me. "Oh, yes, "I said to the nice lady at the hatchery. "Do you have any Japanese Black Bantams I can order?" "Yes," she says, "but they are straight run only and minimum order is 15." "Please add that to my order," I said.
Well, I want to raise bantam chickens, and I don't know what breed I have right now. If I'm going to raise them, I have to know their "pedigree" don't I? Anyway, they are just SO cute.
Tomorrow or Friday, they will arrive, and we'll get a call from the post office around 7:30am. We'll have lots and lots and lots of fuzzy babies! They will be so cute and stinky!
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