I have 6 Americaunas and 7 Black Australorps that I bought in April to be my l

aying hens. With 6 of us, I figured 12 hens (we got a baker's dozen) would make plenty of eggs for us and the neighbors. Well, still waiting on the BOUNTY of eggs, but after getting the one, I am encouraged. The large black one with bright red comb and waddle is 'Bigmamma.' The grey and tan hen is an Americauna. They vary in color, and are really QUITE gorgeous. I have 4 more girls I've put in the pen with the 6-month-olds. These girls are Americaunas of various colors - 11 weeks old - and are named. White one is Marilyn, golden/reddish one is Pocahontas, grey with black head is Jemima, and mostly grey is Martha.

1 comment:
You should create a consulting business for others like yourself moving away from the city life trying to be self sufficient.
Heck even us suburbanites need advice how to grow small gardens in our own back yards. It seems like community gardens are the trend these days, but not much privacy and you waste gas driving to the garden.
It could be a really good niche.
You go girl!
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