Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Baby Chicks are doing well!

6 Americauna mixes, 2 French Black Copper Marans, and 3 Silkie Bantams are all doing GREAT!! They produce more poop than imaginable, and they are growing like CRAZY. I love how they chirp really loudly down in the basement until I get down there and feed them in the morning, and then they are quiet and contented the rest of the day. ;-)

Today, a soggy, long-dead tree fell on the goat fence and took it down. We saw Billy and Betty go racing by the front windows like a couple of happy little puppies, and we're all like, "What the HECK??" Then we found the fence broken and had to move Betty and Billy to the old duck fence. Unfortunately there is no warm, water-proofed, straw-lined shelter out there, and it's going to get really cold tonight. Let's hope for their safety.

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