Friday, May 29, 2009

Speedy Delivery!!

A man at the post office called this morning to let me know my chickens had arrived. I had that little anxious moment where you think, "Oh, crap!" Then I took a deep breath and began to mentally prepare for what lay ahead.

We got to the post office around noon, and the lady behind the desk brought me a box - just one box - full of 100 chickens!!!!! No extra space whatsoever! If you can imagine space needed for 100 eggs, that's about the amount of room the chickens had.

We brought them home and began putting special paper down in plastic storage tubs. I estimated that I could only fit 20 chicks in each tub with a feeder and a waterer. And that would only last about a week. I'll need to take it down to 15 or less per tub after that. This is going to be a big deal!! We papered, put water and feed in, and attached clamp lamps to the rims of the tubs to warm the little fuzzballs. I counted 20 chicks into each tub and there were 4 extras (they ship overage in case of any trampling deaths).

Then I proceeded to dip the beak of each chick into the water to make sure they find it. They all found food VERY quickly. MAN they are so CUTE!!!!!

Tune in again for the continuing saga - "100 Baby Chicks."

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