OK, it finally happened. The puppies killed a chicken - well, they injured it to the point it's not moving much. Monty checked it and there are no visible flesh wounds, but I think she's got broken bones. He wants to see if it'll perk up after the shock wears off. It's a Rhode Island Red pullet - one of the babies. I'm very upset.
I knew it was coming, but I kept kidding myself that they were just being rough and hyper and playful. The would put their mouths on the chickens and hold them down and come away with a few feathers. Today they escalated. Now I have to pen the chickens back up. Tomorrow.
I knew it was coming, but I kept kidding myself that they were just being rough and hyper and playful. The would put their mouths on the chickens and hold them down and come away with a few feathers. Today they escalated. Now I have to pen the chickens back up. Tomorrow.